Bariatric Surgery | Breast and Thyroid Surgery | Cardiology | Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Cardiothoracic Surgery | Colon & Rectal Surgery | Dentistry | Ear, Nose & Throat(ENT) / Otorhinolaryngology |
Family Medicine | Gastrointestinal Surgery | Hepato Biliary Pancreatic Surgery | Internal Medicine (Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism) |
Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology) | Internal Medicine (Hemato-oncology) | Internal Medicine (Infectious Disease) | Internal Medicine (Nephrology) |
Internal Medicine (Pulmonary Medicine) | Internal Medicine (Rheumatology) | Mental Health & Psychiatry | Neurology |
Neurosurgery | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery | Orthopedics |
Orthopedics | Orthopedics (Foot & Ankle) | Orthopedics(joint) | Orthopedics(Spine) |
Pediatrics | Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation | Radiation Oncology | Urology |
Vascular Surgery |
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93, Bugyuseong-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
#BariatricSurgery #BreastandThyroidSurgery #Cardiology #CardiothoracicSurgery #CardiothoracicSurgery #Colon&RectalSurgery #Dentistry #Ear,Nose&Throat(ENT) #Otorhinolaryngology #FamilyMedicine #GastrointestinalSurgery #HepatoBiliaryPancreaticSurgery #Internal Medicine #Endocrinology #Diabetes #Metabolism #InternalMedicine #Gastroenterology #InternalMedicine #Hemato-oncology #InternalMedicine #Infectious Disease #InternalMedicine #Nephrology #InternalMedicine #PulmonaryMedicine #InternalMedicine #Rheumatology #MentalHealth #Psychiatry #Neurology #Neurosurgery #Obstetrics #Gynecology #OralSurgery #MaxillofacialSurgery #Orthopedics #Orthopedics #Orthopedics #Foot&Ankle #Orthopedics #joint #Orthopedics #Spine #Pediatrics #PhysicalMedicine #Rehabilitation #RadiationOncology #Urology #VascularSurgery #Daejeon #General #SunMedicalCenter