◼︎ Departments
Anesthesia & Pain Medicine | Cancer Center | Cardiology | Dentistry |
Dermatology | Emergency Medicine | Endocrinology & Metabolism | Family Medicine |
Gastroenterology | General Surgery | Hanyang Cell Therapy Center | Health Care Center |
Urology | Hematology & Oncology | Infectious Diseases | Laboratory Medicine |
Nephrology | Neuro Surgery | Neurology | Neuropsychiatry |
Nuclear Medicine | Obstetrics and Gynecology | Occupational and environmental medicine | Ophthalmology |
Orthopedic Surgery | Osteomyelitis Clinic | Otolaryngology | PDEN |
Pain Medicine | Pathology | Pediatrics & Adolescent | Physical medicine and rehabilitation |
Plastic&Reconstructive surgery | Pulmonary and allergy | Radiation Oncology | Radiology |
Referral Center | Rheumatism Rehabilitation | Rheumatology | Surgery for Rheumatism |
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery |
◼︎Business Hours
Day of the Week | Hours | Etc |
Mon to Fri | AM 08:30 ~ PM 17:30 | - Closed on public holiday and Sunday
Sat | AM 08:30 ~ PM 12:30 |
222-1, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
#Anesthesia #PainMedicine #CancerCenter #Cardiology #Dentistry #Dermatology #EmergencyMedicine #Endocrinology #Metabolism #FamilyMedicine #Gastroenterology #GeneralSurgery #HanyangCellTherapy #HealthCareCenter #Hematology #Oncology #InfectiousDiseases #LaboratoryMedicine #Nephrology #NeuroSurgery #Neurology #Neuropsychiatry #NuclearMedicine #Obstetrics #Gynecology #Occupational #environmentalmedicine #Ophthalmology #OrthopedicSurgery #Osteomyelitis #Otolaryngology #PDEN #PainMedicine #Pathology #Pediatrics #Adolescent #Physicalmedicine #rehabilitation #Plasticsurgery #Reconstructivesurgery #Pulmonary #allergy #RadiationOncology #Radiology #ReferralCenter #RheumatismRehabilitation #Rheumatology #SurgeryforRheumatism #ThoracicSurgery #CardiovascularSurgery #Urology #Seoul #Seongdong-gu #General #HanyangUniversitySeoulHospital #HanyangUniversity
◼︎ Departments
◼︎Business Hours
222-1, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
#Anesthesia #PainMedicine #CancerCenter #Cardiology #Dentistry #Dermatology #EmergencyMedicine #Endocrinology #Metabolism #FamilyMedicine #Gastroenterology #GeneralSurgery #HanyangCellTherapy #HealthCareCenter #Hematology #Oncology #InfectiousDiseases #LaboratoryMedicine #Nephrology #NeuroSurgery #Neurology #Neuropsychiatry #NuclearMedicine #Obstetrics #Gynecology #Occupational #environmentalmedicine #Ophthalmology #OrthopedicSurgery #Osteomyelitis #Otolaryngology #PDEN #PainMedicine #Pathology #Pediatrics #Adolescent #Physicalmedicine #rehabilitation #Plasticsurgery #Reconstructivesurgery #Pulmonary #allergy #RadiationOncology #Radiology #ReferralCenter #RheumatismRehabilitation #Rheumatology #SurgeryforRheumatism #ThoracicSurgery #CardiovascularSurgery #Urology #Seoul #Seongdong-gu #General #HanyangUniversitySeoulHospital #HanyangUniversity