◼︎ Departments
Gastroenterology | Cardiology | Pulmonology | Endocrinology and Matabolism |
Nephrology | Allergy | Infectious Disease | Hemato-oncology |
Rheumatology | Surgery and Pediatric Surgery | Orthopedics | Neurosurgery |
Neurology | Plastic surgery | Thoracic surgery | Obstetrics |
Pediatrics | Ophthalmology | Otorhinolaryngology | Dermatology |
Urology | Psychiatry | Dental Surgery | Anesthesiology and pain medicine |
Radiation oncology | Emergency Medicine | Rehabilitation Medicine | Pathology |
Laboratory Medicine | Radiology | Nuclear Medicine |
◼︎Business Hours
Day of the Week | Hours | Etc |
Mon to Fri | AM 09:00 ~ PM 17:00 | - Closed on public holiday and Sunday
Sat | AM 09:00 ~ PM 12:00 |
99, Ayang-ro, Dong-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea
#Gastroenterology #Cardiology #Pulmonology #Endocrinology #Matabolism #Nephrology #Allergy #InfectiousDisease #Hemato-oncology #Rheumatology #Surgery #PediatricSurgery #Orthopedics #Neurosurgery #Neurology #Plasticsurgery #Thoracicsurgery #Obstetrics #Pediatrics #Ophthalmology #Otorhinolaryngology #Dermatology #Urology #Psychiatry #DentalSurgery #Anesthesiology #painmedicine #Radiationoncology #EmergencyMedicine #RehabilitationMedicine #Pathology #LaboratoryMedicine #Radiology #NuclearMedicine #Daegu #General #DeaguFatimaHospital
◼︎ Departments
◼︎Business Hours
99, Ayang-ro, Dong-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea
#Gastroenterology #Cardiology #Pulmonology #Endocrinology #Matabolism #Nephrology #Allergy #InfectiousDisease #Hemato-oncology #Rheumatology #Surgery #PediatricSurgery #Orthopedics #Neurosurgery #Neurology #Plasticsurgery #Thoracicsurgery #Obstetrics #Pediatrics #Ophthalmology #Otorhinolaryngology #Dermatology #Urology #Psychiatry #DentalSurgery #Anesthesiology #painmedicine #Radiationoncology #EmergencyMedicine #RehabilitationMedicine #Pathology #LaboratoryMedicine #Radiology #NuclearMedicine #Daegu #General #DeaguFatimaHospital