◼︎ Departments
Family Medicine | Hepaticobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery | Infectious Disease | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
Endocrinology and Metabolism | Endocrine Surgery | Rheumatology | Colorectal Surgery |
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine | Pathology | Urology | Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Plastic Surgery | Pediatrics | Gastroenterology | Cardiovascular Medicine |
Neurology | Neurosurgery | Nephrology | Ophthalmology |
Allergy | Radiology | Trauma Surgery | Gastroenterologic Surgery |
Emergency Medicine | Otolaryngology | Vascular and Transplantation Surgery | Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine |
Psychiatry | Orthopedic Surgery | Occupational and Environmental Medicine | Laboratory Medicine |
Dermatology | Nuclear Medicine | Hemato Oncology | Pulmonology |
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery |
◼︎Business Hours
Day of the Week | Hours | Etc |
Mon to Fri | AM 09:00 ~ PM 18:00 | |
42, Jebong-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju, Republic of Korea
#FamilyMedicine #HepaticobiliarySurgery #PancreaticSurgery #InfectiousDisease #OralSurgery #MaxillofacialSurgery #Endocrinology #Metabolism #EndocrineSurgery #Rheumatology #ColorectalSurgery #Anesthesiology #PainMedicine #Pathology #Urology #Obstetrics #Gynecology #PlasticSurgery #Pediatrics #Gastroenterology #CardiovascularMedicine #Neurology #Neurosurgery #Nephrology #Ophthalmology #Allergy #Radiology #TraumaSurgery #GastroenterologicSurgery #EmergencyMedicine #Otolaryngology #Vascular #TransplantationSurgery #Physical #RehabilitationMedicine #Psychiatry #OrthopedicSurgery #Occupational #EnvironmentalMedicine #LaboratoryMedicine #Dermatology #NuclearMedicine #HematoOncology #Pulmonology #ThoracicSurgery #CardiovascularSurgery #Gwangju #General #ChonnamNationalUniversityHospital #ChonnamNationalUniversity
◼︎ Departments
◼︎Business Hours
42, Jebong-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju, Republic of Korea
#FamilyMedicine #HepaticobiliarySurgery #PancreaticSurgery #InfectiousDisease #OralSurgery #MaxillofacialSurgery #Endocrinology #Metabolism #EndocrineSurgery #Rheumatology #ColorectalSurgery #Anesthesiology #PainMedicine #Pathology #Urology #Obstetrics #Gynecology #PlasticSurgery #Pediatrics #Gastroenterology #CardiovascularMedicine #Neurology #Neurosurgery #Nephrology #Ophthalmology #Allergy #Radiology #TraumaSurgery #GastroenterologicSurgery #EmergencyMedicine #Otolaryngology #Vascular #TransplantationSurgery #Physical #RehabilitationMedicine #Psychiatry #OrthopedicSurgery #Occupational #EnvironmentalMedicine #LaboratoryMedicine #Dermatology #NuclearMedicine #HematoOncology #Pulmonology #ThoracicSurgery #CardiovascularSurgery #Gwangju #General #ChonnamNationalUniversityHospital #ChonnamNationalUniversity