◼︎ Departments
Family Medicine | Department of Liver Transplantation, Liver, Bile duct, Pancreas | Division of Infectious Desease | Thyroid and Endocrine Surgery |
Endocrinology | Department of Colorectal Surgery | Rheumatology | Anesthesiology |
Radiation Oncology | Pathology | Urology | Obstetrics & Gynecology |
Plastic Surgery | Department of Pediatric surgery | Pediatrics | Gastroenterology |
Neurology | Neurosurgery | Nephrology | Cardioligy |
Ophtalmology | Allergology | Radiology | Trauma surgery |
Department of GI Stomach Cancer | Department of Breast Surgery | Emergency Medicine | Otorhinolaryngology |
Rehabilitation Medicine | Psychiatry | Orthopedic Surgery | Occupational & Environmental Medicine |
Laboratory Medicine | Dentistry | Dermatology | Nuclear Medicine |
Vascular, lower extremity edema, kidney transplant surgery | Hemato-oncology | Pulmonology | Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery |
◼︎Business Hours
Day of the Week | Hours | Etc |
Mon to Fri | AM 09:00 ~ PM 17:00 | |
875, Haeun-daero, Haeundae-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea
#FamilyMedicine #DepartmentofLiverTransplantation #Liver #Bileduct #Pancreas #DivisionofInfectiousDesease #ThyroidSurgery #EndocrineSurgery #Endocrinology #DepartmentofColorectalSurgery #Rheumatology #Anesthesiology #RadiationOncology #Pathology #Urology #Obstetrics #Gynecology #PlasticSurgery #DepartmentofPediatricsurgery #Pediatrics #Gastroenterology #Neurology #Neurosurgery #Nephrology #Cardioligy #Ophtalmology #Allergology #Radiology #Traumasurgery #DepartmentofGIStomachCancer #DepartmentofBreastSurgery #EmergencyMedicine #Otorhinolaryngology #RehabilitationMedicine #Psychiatry #OrthopedicSurgery #Occupational #EnvironmentalMedicine #LaboratoryMedicine #Dentistry #Dermatology #NuclearMedicine #Vascular #lowerextremityedema #kidneytransplantsurgery #Hemato-oncology #Pulmonology #ThoracicSurgery #CardiovascularSurgery #Busan #Haeundae #InjeUniversityHaeundaePaikHospital #General #InjeUniversity
◼︎ Departments
◼︎Business Hours
875, Haeun-daero, Haeundae-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea
#FamilyMedicine #DepartmentofLiverTransplantation #Liver #Bileduct #Pancreas #DivisionofInfectiousDesease #ThyroidSurgery #EndocrineSurgery #Endocrinology #DepartmentofColorectalSurgery #Rheumatology #Anesthesiology #RadiationOncology #Pathology #Urology #Obstetrics #Gynecology #PlasticSurgery #DepartmentofPediatricsurgery #Pediatrics #Gastroenterology #Neurology #Neurosurgery #Nephrology #Cardioligy #Ophtalmology #Allergology #Radiology #Traumasurgery #DepartmentofGIStomachCancer #DepartmentofBreastSurgery #EmergencyMedicine #Otorhinolaryngology #RehabilitationMedicine #Psychiatry #OrthopedicSurgery #Occupational #EnvironmentalMedicine #LaboratoryMedicine #Dentistry #Dermatology #NuclearMedicine #Vascular #lowerextremityedema #kidneytransplantsurgery #Hemato-oncology #Pulmonology #ThoracicSurgery #CardiovascularSurgery #Busan #Haeundae #InjeUniversityHaeundaePaikHospital #General #InjeUniversity