
Health InformationDr. Park, The story of the developer of Korea's first sleep apnea treatment device

17 Aug 2023
Views 772

Hello. This is Ilmichi and Park Young-hyun. Today, I'm starting this program to share some of my snoring and sleep apnea knowledge. Snoring and sleep breathing are also issues that have recently become an issue. In the past, people around me who snored were considered healthy. He seemed to be in a profound sleep, and through the salt, I thought to myself, "How healthy he is." However, scientific knowledge has accumulated in recent years, and the problem has become increasingly accepted as a disease that can cause severe health disorders as data is collected. What is the essence of this? 

The nose ring does not produce noise when the air that enters the nose passes through the airways, the trachea, and the lungs. Snoring does not occur. When you see the process of snoring, for some reason, it doesn't flow well through the airways and is hindered. When friction is generated, the soft tissues around it tremble due to conflict, and this tremor metastasizes to the area around the nose; there are empty spaces in the bones, such as the maxillary sinuses. This is where the resonance phenomenon occurs, and the sound is amplified and manifested as noise. 

If you look at the average noise, it is expressed as about 86 de10 days of noise, corresponding to the vibration and noise of the subway so that the train can come in. So, I live in an apartment often these days, and given the lack of proper facilities, it's not an exaggeration to say that if you snore downstairs, the upstairs rings. It will make a lot of noise. However, it is common sense to think that the loud noise causes the situation worse, but some cases have nothing to do with the nature of the disease. Cotton is a phenomenon that occurs when air does not pass through well, so it cannot be said that it is a side effect of not passing through. 

So, whether the cotton itself is large or small is the same as how much noise resonates and is amplified in the empty space around the nose, so to speak, it is a matter of whether the efficiency of the speaker is good or bad, so it has nothing to do with whether the air is blocked or obstructed. So, in general, as you know, if the noise in the nose is loud, you should not think that the situation is terrible. Instead, it is a problem when the noise is low. Why, when we say that the noise is low, the flow of the breath itself is significantly weakened. Because the breath does not pass through and is close to the moment of stillness, it does not make much noise. 

When we talk about the sleeping neck that we often talk about, when the decision is choked and can't pass, it's all noise, breathing, or something like that. No noise is emitted. Therefore, the fact that the noise is weak should be taken as a danger. Then, let's look at why we need to treat snoring and urine breathing from a different angle. It is not a problem of noise but rather a problem of breathing, so there is a vegetable amount of oxygen that our body needs, and if the air does not flow in well, there is a lack of oxygen. To supply oxygen evenly, it is loaded and must exert intense pressure to narrow blood flow. 

As a result, we often look at medical reasons when we think about the causes of high blood pressure. Still, recently, we have been investigating whether there is sleep or breathing during sleep and the oxygen saturation level at that time. I want to talk about today that the Koguria sleep collection is not a simple noise problem but is caused by the inability of oxygen inflow during the noise generation process, so nose rings are a disease in which the amount of oxygen inflow decreases during sleep. Again, I would appreciate it if you could approach it from the perspective of a deficiency disease. 

Next time, we'll look at whether snoring and sleep breathing, as you know, is caused by a narrowing of the airways through purpose or if there are many other causes, and by understanding the process clearly, we're going to find a way to conquer the snoring sleeping suit. I appreciate it. 

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